
Archiwum AZ 19 listopada 2006 1 minuta

Kilka dni temu otrzymałem mejla następującej treści :Adventure Europe invites adventure gaming fans to participate in their Adventure Developers Online Conference 2006, taking place on the Adventure Europe forums between the 27th and 30th of November. Many developers, publishers and adventure fans from all over Europe and otherwise will meet at this event, discussing current and future adventure games.The whole event will be split into 2 hour timeblocks, starting at 17:00 and ending at 23:00 GMT each day. The developers will be present during the timeblock they choose and will answer questions posed by their fans in their individual section of the forum. The final day (30 November) will be an open discussion in all forum sections and boards. No timeblocks will exist on this day: post if and when you want. Further details on the developers participating and the timeblock schedules will be provided soon. To give you an idea of what to expect, please visit the forums where the previous year’s event took place: Adventure Europe Teamhttp://www.adventure-eu.comZachęcam wszystkich aktywnych użytkowników do udziału w tej multi-konferencji.

Autor: Redakcja

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